f Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris untuk Istri

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Ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa Inggris untuk Istri - Apakah hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun istri anda?. Jika iya, tentu anda ingin melakukan sesuatu yang sangat spesial untuknya. Kami harap anda berhasil membuat istrinya berkesan. Jika anda memerlukan beberapa pesan ucapan yang bagus untuk memberi selamat ulang tahun kepada istri anda. Captionkeren.net akan menyediakan buat anda.

Dan perlu anda ingat, untuk menjaga pernikahan tetap bahagia, ada beberapa hal yang tidak boleh lupa untuk dirayakan. Salah satunya adalah anniversary pernikahan dan yang kedua adalah hari ulang tahun istri.

Ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa inggris untuk istri

Ulang tahun Istri

Untuk menunjukkan kepada seseorang bahwa anda peduli padanya, anda harus mengingat semua hal penting yang berkaitan dengannya. Misalnya hari ulang tahun istri. Ulang tahun adalah hari terpenting dalam setahun bagi seseorang, sehingga anda harus memberi perhatian khusus kepada istri anda di hari ulang tahunnya.

Untuk membuat harinya istimewa, anda dapat mengajaknya makan malam yang spesial, membelikannya hadiah unik, atau merencanakan pesta kejutan untuknya. Satu-satunya hal yang harus anda ingat adalah kebahagiaan istri anda.

Ide tentang Hadiah ulang tahun

Jika sangat mengenal istri anda, harusnya dapat memutuskan hadiah apa yang cocok untuk membuat istri bertambah bahagia di hari ulang tahunnya. Tapi jika anda masih bingung menentukan hadiah ulang tahun, perhiasan atau perjalanan ke suatu tempat romantis bisa menjadi kado manis di hari ulang tahun istri.

Jika anda tidak ingin menghabiskan terlalu banyak uang, bunga dan kartu ulang tahun juga bisa digunakan. Yang terpenting adalah kepedulian dan perhatian kepada istri.

Ucapan ulang tahun bahasa Inggris untuk Istri

Di bawah ini ada kumpulan pesan yang mungkin anda perlukan untuk memberi ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk istri tercinta. Ada pepatah terkenal "Istri Bahagia - Hidup Bahagia", ini adalah pepatah yang sangat tepat. Jadi, buatlah istri anda bahagia di hari ulang tahunnya. Kirimkan beberapa ucapan ultah yang indah padanya.

Agar semakin istimewa dan tambah kekinian, kirimkan ucapan ulang tahun dengan bahasa Inggris. Perlu untuk diketahui, bahasa inggris selamat ulang tahun adalah: "Happy birthday", Jadi kirimkan ucapan happy birthday terbaik untuk istri tercinta anda seperti kata ucapan berikut ini:

Baca juga: Kata-kata selamat ulang tahun bahasa Inggris beserta artinya

"A wise man always remembers his wife’s birthday but never her age. Happy Birthday!"

"Many of your birthdays have come and gone…and I’m still here. Do I get any points for that? Happy birthday, dear"

"Though we haven’t got to spend too much time with each other, but whenever we are together it gets to become one the best moments for me. Wishing you happy birthday"

"Honey someone called and told me that it’s your birthday today. Is that why my office is off today! Happy Birthday Sweetheart. Let’s go celebrate"

"You are stunning, striking, sexy, sultry, scandalous, seductive, sensuous, slinky, spicy and steamy. I don’t know what did you see in me and married me! I love you with my true heart. Giving my blessings on your birthday"

"You give me a beautiful reason to live, every day when I get free from office there is this excitement of meeting you. Let’s do something very special on your birthday. Happy Birthday to you my love"

"You have walked shoulder to shoulder always with me. You have supported me in all my decisions and corrected me whenever I was wrong. Thanks for being my Wife. Happy Birthday to you"

"No husband is as lucky as me, unless he has a beautiful wife like you - a soul mate that time only makes more beautiful"

"I am very lucky that I got a wife and a best friend in one person. I love sharing my life with you. On your birthday I promise you that I will always be there for you. I’ll always put your need before mine. Happy Birthday"

"I feel so blessed for having such a wife who is less of a wife and more of a little girl. It looks like time forgot you existence my dear. Happy Birthday, however"

"Birthdays may come and go, but our love will never leave. It will stay forever in our hearts. Happy birthday"

"One more year has gone, wrinkles on your face and grey hairs have appeared. Things are changing but the only thing that will never change is our relation, our love. Age, wrinkles or grey hairs doesn’t matter for me. The only thing that matters is YOU. Happy Birthday Dear"

"Its a perfect day to tell you whats in my heart you have made my life beautiful. You have made my home like heaven and me a successful person. You are special for me and on your special day I wish you very very happy returns of the day"

"Birthdays have actually given us an opportunity to celebrate, to smile and make other people smile. So lets take this opportunity and celebrate this special day by spreading the colors of life everywhere and make it memorable. Wishing you a great opportunity"

"You are my true strength in every way,
Without you in my life, I would lose my say,
Thanks for everything that you have given me in life,
Without you my wife, it is tough to survive,
Wish you a very happy birthday"


"Want to wish you on your special day,
With lots of hugs and kisses,
May you have an awesome day!
May you get everything you wish for today,
Happy birthday my wife,
My truly wonderful life"


"You are the meaning of my life,
When you are not around, it’s hard to strive,
You are my pulse in my heart,
With you there has always been a wonderful start,
Happy birthday dear,
Have a nice day"


"Reasons are many,
But the meaning is same,
Name remains the same,
Only words do change,
You are the world’s best wife,
You are truly my life,
Happy birthday"


"Happy birthday sweetheart,
Without you I don’t know how I will survive,
Coz in the darkness you are my only light,
I promise we will never fight,
Have an awesome day"


"Each day life is a new celebration,
Because of a partner like you,
People like you are one in a few,
Happy birthday sweetheart,
Have a lovely day"


"This day holds a special significance in my life,
Do you know why?
Because you were born this day,
You mean the world to me my lovely wife,
Wish you a very happy birthday"


"Your beautiful eyes,
Your wonderful smile,
Makes me forget everything for a while,
Oh yes! I wanted to wish you today,
Have an extra ordinary birthday,
Love you my dear wife"


"So loving and caring that you are,
Please don’t leave me and go far,
Won’t be able to live without you,
Let me tell you that I truly love you,
Happy birthday sweetheart"


"You are my strength in life,
You are my support in life,
You are my true friend in life,
In short you are a perfect wife,
Happy birthday"


"Meaning of wife for me,
And I would like to add the most amazing human being,
Happy birthday sweetie,
Have a lovely day"


Sekian artikel tentang ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa Inggris untuk istri tersayang. Semoga dengan ucapan ultah yang anda kirimkan, istri anda bertambah bahagia dan semakin sayang terhadap anda, Aamiin.